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Privatization of Teacher Education in India: Some Issues to Ponder Over

Mohammad Parvez, Mohd Shakir


ABSTRACT: Education means to know the knowledge. Without this, life of human being does not operate. Education teaches the lesson of humanity. Education is very necessary for every human being. Education does not mean to get specific skill and get employment. But we say that anybody got education, if he/she has developed from every angle. It is the education which carries human being in the way of success. Education is imparted by the teachers; therefore, teachers and their education i.e. teacher education is of paramount importance. But, unfortunately, in our country, India, so many money minded people are degrading the teacher education under the umbrella of privatization of teacher education. Privatization is the transfer of activities, assets, and responsibilities from government/public institutions and organizations to private individuals and agencies. This paper is a humble attempt to discuss the issues of privatization of teacher education in India. One of important things is that there is an urgent needed to stop the practice of commercialization of teacher education, so that quality of teacher education and the quality of teachers can be maintained. In other words, the complete marketization of teacher education should not be there, because it will be a stumbling block in the constitutional obligation of providing equal opportunities of education to all.

Key words: Problems of education in India, privatization, teacher education institution, quality of education, and education for all.

About the Authors: Dr. Mohammad Parvez is Associate Professor at the Department of Education AMU (Aligarh Muslim University), Aligarh, 202002 Uttar Pradesh, India; and Mohd Shakir is Junior Research Fellow at the Department of Education AMU. They can be reached at: mparvez9@yahoo.co.in and aligarhshakir@gmail.com

How to cite this article? Parvez, Mohammad & Mohd Shakir. (2012). “Privatization of Teacher Education in India: Some Issues to Ponder Over” in SOSIOHUMANIKA: Jurnal Pendidikan Sains Sosial dan Kemanusiaan, Vol.5, No.1 [Mei], pp.39-48. Bandung, Indonesia: Minda Masagi Press owned by ASPENSI, ISSN 1979-0112.

Chronicle of article: Accepted (March 28, 2012); Revised (April 30, 2012); and Published (May 20, 2012).

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SOSIOHUMANIKA: Jurnal Pendidikan Sains Sosial dan Kemanusiaan is published by Minda Masagi Press. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 4.0.